Hospitals – Meals for Patients/Outpatients
You may have a relative or a friend going through a medical emergency. Hospital food, with rare exceptions, leaves a lot to be desired, mainly because many hospitals are under multi-year contracts with large operators and those have little incentive to offer high quality products.

We bring individually packed meals that a patient can receive in the hospital or once at home. Our trained dietitian is available to advise on meal selection to ensure that food combinations are appropriate given the procedure. We have low-sodium, low-glycemic options, softer foods high in Vitamin C and Zinc (such as post thyroid procedure recovery), and much more. When inquiring, ask to speak only with General Manager – who handles such orders directly.
Food as Gift Basket available (Hallmark card service available). We deliver all over greater Boston area.
Disclaimer: While we take many more steps than a traditional food operator, we are still a kitchen at the end of the day, not a laboratory. And we do not make any health claims about our ability to impact the patient via nutrition. We are just more thoughtful about what we cook and how we cook. Please order at your own discretion and risk.